Sunday, February 22, 2015

Free Worksheets for Extraordinary Annie

Now that my book is available at a variety of websites, I would like to share a few lesson ideas and worksheets with my fellow elementary school teachers.

The first, and most obvious lesson, focuses on antonyms. Within the book, Extraordinary Annie, some differences are apparent while others can be found within the pictures. The two look different, act different, dress different...need I say more? If you click the link below you will find a worksheet for students to complete, only focusing on the antonyms found in the story.

Worksheet: Antonym Graphic Organizer

Along with being opposites, the girls do have some similarities. Students can read the story and not only find an abundance of opposites, but also find similarities when comparing and contrasting Annie and her best friend, Zoe. The perfect graphic organizer for this is a Venn Diagram. If you click below you will find a customized Venn Diagram worksheet that can be used with individual students, small groups, or even as a class activity together.

Worksheet: Venn Diagram

A great discussion idea can focus on friendship. Do friends have to be alike to get along? What if everyone was the same? How are the same as your best friend? How are you different? Is it a good thing or a bad thing and why? This allows students to see that differences make us all extraordinary!

These are just a few ways my book can be used in the classroom. As you read and use Extraordinary Annie, please share your ideas of using it in your classroom or with your students here in the comments. You can also share suggestions personally with me by email. And don't forget...make each day extraordinary!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

What a Surprise!

For the past two weeks I've spent time organizing, planning, printing, and putting together decorations all to be prepared for the Book Release Party. Being sick on top of it all was not what I had planned, but things came together. A few days before the Book Release Celebration, I sat down at the computer and began to play around.

You know how friends tell you to "Google" yourself? It can be quite interesting the items that pop up. I decided to do it and just see what was out there. Boy, was I in for a surprise! What a surreal moment when you look yourself up and find your name and your book's title essentially everywhere! To be honest, it took a little time for it to sink in. My daughter was enjoying herself trying to find all of the countries and all the different websites where my book is being sold.

Well, things keep moving forward. The book is out and available on many websites, including Amazon. More events are coming, so stay tuned.